MOSE Project: Venice's Sea Walls

Floods in the lagoon surrounding Venice have been common since Venice was built but recently they have been happening more and mroe (supposedly because of climate change). Floods ruin the architecture, erode foundations further sinking Venice, and are a general expensive nuisance to one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

In 1987 project MOSE began to help protect Venice from the rising threat of tidal flooding.

The lagoon is essentially banked off from the ocean with three large controlled inlets to control the water level in the lagoon and protect it from high tides.

This is an example of how with enough money and will humans will try to protect themselves - and can do so against natural forces.

With rising sea levels being a real issue in the next one hundred years it is interesting to see how it is being tackled and this - with the use of design fiction could help me develop some technology and diegetic prototypes for the world I end up creating.

These are the gates before installation. They are roughly 10 metres thick and sit on the bottom of the ocean until they are filled with (air) so they lift up.

Although this isn't fully functional yet we can see how a technology like this could be used to protect other important cities - Hong Kong, New York and for the sake of this project - Wellington.


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