First Response - More narrative

The first response really helped me get back on track after the break. 

The general opinion was that the images as a standalone looked great, for producing a wide variety of images over a short period of time I was also happy with this aspect. It was positive to do these images with little restrictions as they did yield some unexpected new ideas to carry forward. 

The general opinion on the relationship between the images and the actual proposal was that it was lacking a little bit and needed a stronger personal connection to get people interested. Although I did take existing technology and put them in a sci-fi setting I did not put them in a story or narrative - I didn't put them in a diegetic scenario to really validate them to an audience. Several students gave me this feedback, they want to see my images and ideas in a narrative to really give them life and i totally agreed with them as narrative is something often try to avoid but really is essential.

Tanya carried forward this notion and suggested some ways I could introduce a narrative to the world. Producing a few personas and daily routines and designing the world around these characters. This would make the world more personal to any viewer and also gives me some outlines on what I should design rather than trying to do EVERYTHING - the impossible.

As my audience is people from Wellington, and especially students as they are who I have good access too it makes sense to create characters that are relatable, a student in the future is something a lot of us students could relate to, and no doubt they would be dealing with a lot of the same problems students do now which will increase that relation. By introducing some new elements to this persona the audience can focus on the differences.

This goes for the whole world that is being developed in this project - it is based off Wellington and is being aimed at Wellingtonians so should retain a lot of relatable aspects; the quirky fashion, the edgy alleys, and the hipster coffee culture. Then by adding the changes on top of that a certain impact can be made. If everything was crazy and different it would lose believability and reduce the impact as discussed in the proposal.

This is approach was a good start - it just needs to be implemented into narrative to be affective.


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