
As per the feedback on Friday, I've started producing some personas that I can begin list off items to design from. As a lot of time will need to be allocated for creating the work for the final output getting this done early is vital.

This will be a document that is continually updated and added to as more research is done. Along side each person there a snap shot of there day. Then below this there is a list of potential designs that I should look into.

Since the two aspect of this project was - showing how climate events will affect us, and show solutions to these problems it makes sense there is a balance of these two things.
Some designs will revolve around the negative effects and showing how the city is now different because of climate change, but then show how technology and design is different to adapt to these changes.

Arron - University Student
Lives in standard Cuba street housing

Joi - Plant technician
Lives in the Arcology

Chantelle - Nanotube expert
High Class Arcology


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