10th March Workshops

I had some ideas prior to this workshop. Because my main field of interest is concept art and illustration, more specifically environments. I wanted to first consider how environment is a character in itself and requires the same amount of attention to detail as any main character to a film or game. Some research made it apparent that this idea wasn't something there was much information about which left me open to new ideas.

Then we come to Marks memorial park observation exercise. I sat on the hill overlooking the park. This gave me a view of both the whole park and a very good portion of the Wellington CBD. This allowed me to view things more holistically. I started to think mainly about how the city was an organism, something that is so close to be self contained and could potentially be sustainable. The park in itself was an example of a whole area that was designed holistically and seems like a separate part of the city even though it is in fact very connected to the city. Other apparent problems was the fact much of Wellington CBD is very low as climate change takes effect sea level might cover some lower areas.  Climate change and enclosed sustainable spaces. This and many other observation got me thinking of arcologies, an architectural and engineering concept that architect Paolo Soleri developed. The arcology is in essences a self contained city, a combination of architecture and ecology, hence the term archology.

I want to explore the social problems with contained cities and consider visualizing one where those problems are remedied.In the past I have looked at public housing and what social issues arose from that.

Overall my the basis for my research is going to climate change and what the future looks like for humanity considering sea level rise, food and water shortages, and so on. 

Climate change
Sea level
Public housing
Concept art

Condensed Key words:

Climate change
Social Class

I do have an idea for the second half of the year to apply this research in developing a future Wellington concept as it is a low lying city.


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