Critical Theory and Science Fiction

Critical Theory and Science Fiction - Carl Freedman

I haven't read through this whole book yet, but it is the argument by Carl Freedman that "science fiction is thus the one most devoted to the historical concreteness and rigorous self-reflectiveness of critical theory".

Another key point that he makes is that science fiction is always based on a difference with the current reality and what difference that difference makes for that new world. "It is also a world whose difference is croncretized within a cognitive continuum with the actual - thus sharply distinguishing science fiction from irrationalist estrangements of fantasy or Gothic literature" - This is essentially trying to say real science fiction is always linked to the reality we live in, it is not something purely crazy for the sake of it, and material that is isn't really science fiction.

It seems Freedman is trying to say here that the prime responsibility of science fiction is to be a representation of change.

Environmental Education, narrative complexity and postmodern science/fiction

Fiction is and has been a valid medium for science educators to consider how science could change the future for better or for worse. To encourage or caution scientists, ultimately shaping the future.


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