Climate Change - Sea level rise

Sea level rise has always been an interesting part of climate change to me because the ocean is so colossal yet we are capable of moving it which is rather sobering. We infact have a huge responsibility with the power we hold here on earth

This is just some light initial research into sea level rise.

Some basic facts  2006 source

 - Sea level rise from 1870 to 2004 has been 195mm and is accelerating at 0.013mm yr^(-2)

-The 1990 to 2100 rise would be somewhere between 280 and 340mm 

The causes 

- Thermal expansion due to water hating up

- Melting ice caps and ice loss from polar areas.

National Geo rise estimate - 280mm to 290mm. But if things go really wrong it could be up to 7 metres (7000mm) 

Worst Case

Part of the reason for using science fiction to get points across by exaggerating things. This is where I want to start exaggerating something, but this is still something that could happen.

Further research found that if all of the ice melted  we would see around 65m of sea rise. Many of the world major cities would be underwater - London, Shanghai, Venice, Florida, San Fran, New York. 
One of the most scary statistics is that most of Eastern China would be under water, a total of 600 million would be displaced.

Although this is very unlikely to happen soon - eg a couple hundred years, it is still an interesting route to explore.


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